Saturday, June 1, 2019

Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen Essay -- Personal Narrative Essay E

Seeking Harmony as a World Citizen   Excuse me, do you intercommunicate German? - outside of that churchs organ recital in Bonn, Germany, the distinct Nipponese accent caught me by surprise. My weeks of study and internship gave me new confidence, so I answered, Yes, yes I do. The Japanese womans companion, seeing my nod, immediately began to overflow with German praises.   I looked at her, elderly, in a wheelchair, and she told me the story that music-loving Japanese woman pushed that music-loving German woman out of the church, gallant in design and thus not disabled-friendly. What generosity, I translated in my native tongue, the only go-between these women had. A million thanks for your help, I couldnt have do it out without you. The Japanese woman nodded, understanding, but her only reply was, Does she need me to take her somewhere else? No, no, and thank you - God bless, I translated. The German woman smiled, grabbed her hand, kissed it. She grabbed my hand, kisse d it too, and wheel around away over the cobblestones. Awestruck, I smiled to the Japanese w...

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